Before the school started, we jumped into our van and went Disneyland. Before our empty nest comes, we decided have fun together. It was the first time, I rode all the rides in Disneyland with my children. I promised if my son held my hands while we walk in the Disneyland, I will ride everything they ride. I was able to hold 'my teen son's hand'. It was a quite a miracle. I thought my children will be 'teenagers' forever. I did not know their sweetness would ever come back. I can see my children are maturing.
Flowers were everywhere.
Specially, roses were beautiful.
As we used to play games in our van, we went back to the time when we were all younger and played games. Time is fleeting in front of my eyes. As I go through the different season of my life, looking back, I thank God for his grace and mercy toward our family.

Even if I am different season of my life, my memory for my son, Samuel has not been faded in my heart, rather more and more vivid as my time is coming closer to see him soon.
Definitely children are precious gifts from God. On the way home, God showed us another beautiful sunset to us. Sun was setting behind us as we were driving from California.
And God showed us another rainbow in a dry sky.